
Regular attendance at school is essential and vital to any pupil’s progress. Our best attenders are usually our highest achievers.

Students of school age must, by law, attend school. If your child is to be away from school you need to ask the school to approve the absence in advance, which we will only do in exceptional cases. We will not authorise absence for family holidays. Regular dental and optician check-ups should be arranged to take place during school holidays. 

The attendance team can be contacted by telephone or email: 

Telephone: 01524 581661

Reporting an absence

If your child is going to be absent from school, please let us know in advance where possible. If you are unable to inform school in advance, please contact us before 9am on the first day of absence and continue to inform us for each subsequent day your child is unable to attend.

Application for leave of absence

It is a legal requirement for parents/carers to obtain the permission of the Headteacher before removing their child from school in order to take any leave in term time. To apply for a child to be granted leave from school, parents should complete the form below and return it to school (F.A.O. Attendance Officer) for consideration well before the proposed leave and before committing to any expense.

Evidence must be provided with the request to show that exceptional circumstances apply. Upon receipt of a request the Headteacher will make a decision as to whether to authorise the absence, being mindful of government regulations and LA guidance. It is important that, if you believe exceptional circumstances apply, you provide this information to school at the time of submitting this request.

Application for Exceptional Leave Form (Main School)

Application for Exceptional Leave Form (Sixth Form)