Sixth Form Attendance

Please contact us by email or phone:

Telephone: 01524 581661

Attendance & Punctuality

We expect full attendance and excellent punctuality in the Sixth Form. These are two of the most significant factors in a student’s progress and achievement and we have clear systems to monitor them. We expect students, parents and staff to adhere to these systems as missing lessons can put a student at a serious disadvantage. 

Sixth Form Attendance Procedure 2024/5

Students are expected to:
  • Achieve high levels of attendance and punctuality through not missing lessons or arriving late.
  • Follow the Sixth Form procedures for dealing with attendance and punctuality.
  • Take responsibility for catching up on any missed work as a result of absence
  • Procedures for ensuring high attendance and excellent punctuality

In Year 12 students remain on the school premises throughout the school day, the only exception being at lunchtime when they may sign out providing they are back in school for period 7. Year 13 students may be given permission to work at home in the afternoon. This privilege is granted according to the attendance and progress of the individual student. If we have concerns about a student's progress or attitude towards their studies then we may remove this privilege.


Should a student be late to morning registration or fail to register or sign in on time for period 7, this will be recorded as a late. 

Each student must be at registration, in person. They may not ask a friend to tell their Form Tutor that they are in school but ‘too busy’ to attend registration. Students often cite traffic difficulties as the reason they are late to school. They should be advised, however, before committing themselves to Sixth Form study, that they need to be prepared to leave home in sufficient time to arrive at school on time. 

These are absences such as hospital and dental appointments that cannot be scheduled for out-of-school hours. Every effort should please be made to schedule such appointments for out-of-school hours.

  • Family marriage, bereavement and graduation ceremonies.
  • Attendance at interview.
  • Absence relating to religious observance.
  • Participation in a sporting, drama or musical event of a high level.

Attendance at open days is not usually authorised as a foreseen absence. Instead, students should plan their visits during weekends and in the summer holidays. Prior to the foreseen absence, a telephone call or email should be addressed or directed to:

The Sixth Form Attendance Officer
Tel: 01524 581660

The student must talk to her subject teachers to find out what work will be missed and efforts should be made to complete tasks. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up with all of her work. If the appointment requires a sixth former to leave during the school day then she should ensure that she signs out in the Sixth Form Centre with the Sixth Form Attendance Officer.  If she returns to school that day she should please also sign back in.

Unforeseen Absences

These absences might include ill health or family bereavement. Under these circumstances we ask parents to contact the Sixth Form Attendance Officer, via telephone or email, as soon as possible and no later than 10.00am to inform us of the absence. It is also helpful if parents can keep us informed of the progress made by the student so that we know when to expect her back.

First Day Contact

The Sixth Form Attendance Officer will attempt to contact any parent/carer on the first day of absence if there has been no previous contact and establish the reason for absence. If parents are not available then an email or ParentPay (this may be in the form of an email or text message) will be sent to ask for information about the absence.

Where students are likely to have a period of long absence, for example from a period of illness, then the Head of Year will liaise with parents and make arrangements for work to be made available.

Where there is a significant pattern of absence, the student’s Head of Year will identify with the student the reasons for poor attendance and devise a strategy to address the underlying issues. This will include establishing targets for attendance and punctuality along with strategies for support in successfully reintegrating students back into the Sixth Form. If this is ineffective, further action will be taken.

Students who have less than 90% attendance with any period of unauthorised absence within a 6 week period will receive a warning letter from the Sixth Form. This letter will state the student’s overall attendance percentage and that if there is no improvement in attendance, normally within the subsequent 3 week period then parents will be invited to an Attendance meeting in school.